I received a call Saturday that I had been dreading for months.
It was from my friend and longtime sports writing colleague, Tommy Hicks.
When I saw his name flash up on my cell phone, I paused for just a few seconds before I answered.
Sometimes you just know, you know?
Tommy did indeed deliver the news: Our buddy – really everybody’s buddy – Vic Knight died Saturday morning at the age of 62.
Vic fought cancer as hard as he could for as long as he could.
He made countless trips to the MD Anderson Cancer Clinic in Houston for the last couple of years.
There were good days and a lot of bad, Vic told me recently.
But he was still Vic – my buddy, everybody’s buddy.
A Stoughton, Wis., native and proud graduate of Ole Miss, Vic had worked in sports media and management in Mobile since 1988. I first came to know him a little when he was media relations director of the Senior Bowl – a post he held for 20 years.