Jurassic World Dominion follows a pretty thin narrative that leans heavily on dinosaur action and creates many plotholes and head-scratching moments. Boasting the lowest critic’s score of the entire franchise on Rotten Tomatoes, Jurassic World Dominion is packed with more dinosaurs and perhaps less sensible plot than any other Jurassic Park film before it. With its focus being primarily on dinosaurs and action sequences, it’s no surprise that parts of the story feel forced and full of holes.
Jurassic World Dominion‘s movie timelinetakes place four years after Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and sets itself up to deal with the fallout of the second film’s ending where dinosaurs are released into the world. Dinosaurs have spread across the globe and illegal breeding and smuggling of the animals have become rampant. Maisie (Isabella Sermon) has been secreted away by Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) but is being hunted by BioSyn, a corporation interested in her genetic code. Coupled with this, a prehistoric locust plague has cropped up and is threatening the global food supply. The film’s focus on these two storylines ultimately causes both branches of the plot to collide and the Jurassic World heroes have to team up with legacy characters from the original Jurassic Park.