The Star Warssaga may have been quite different if Leia, not Luke, had been the one sent to live on Tatooine. The two are twins, separated at birth and sent to grow up in literal different worlds. The story could very easily have begun with Luke Organa on the run from Darth Vader, and Leia Skywalker living on a moisture farm with her Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith closes the prequel trilogy with the birth of Luke and Leia, both of whom inherit strength in the Force from their father Anakin Skywalker. Orphaned, the newborn twins are in need of a home. Bail Organa makes the snap decision to adopt baby Leia, saying that he and his wife had always wanted a daughter, and Obi-Wan Kenobi takes Luke to live with his remaining family on Tatooine. This swift action ends up defining the lives of the two, with Leia growing up to become a leader of the Rebel Alliance and Luke eventually becoming a Jedi Knight, like his father before him. But if the Organas had wanted a son rather than a daughter, their situations could easily have been reversed.