The finale of Pendleton Ward’s hit show, Adventure Time, finds a moment of beauty in chaos through song. As one of Golb’s monsters is about to attack, BMO accidentally wards off the monster through the song “Time Adventure.” Princess Bubblegum then realizes that “Golb is discord, it’s the harmony, harmony hurts them.” So, the group joins in and sings together, temporarily slowing down Golb’s forces. The moment puts every song, most of them written by Rebecca Sugar, from Adventure Time’s cannon in a new light. Yes, the show has made a handful of musically phenomenal songs that are worth remembering, but the series is more recognized for psychedelic places, major monsters, and a journey of growth for its characters in a post-nuclear war version of Earth. But “Time Adventure” shows both a growth towards more reflective songs and acknowledges that every song in the show builds harmony, community, and friendship amongst the group, from short and sweet hits like “Bacon Pancakes” to thoughtful duets like “I Remember You.”