Doctor Strange actor Benedict Cumberbatch reveals that he has no plans of moving on from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Audiences were first introduced to Cumberbatch’s character in 2016 with Doctor Strange, where Dr. Stephen Strange turns to magic to heal his wounds after traditional medicine failed. Doctor Strange goes on to establish Cumberbatch’s character as the most powerful sorcerer in existence.
Since his first appearance, Doctor Strange has been living up to this title in other MCU projects like Avenger: Endgame and Spider-Man: No Way Home. He was also set up to appear in Wandavision, trying to help break through Wanda’s spell, but was ultimately cut from the project. Now, Marvel’s latest upcoming release is set to focus on Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness seemingly follows the events of Wandavision and Spider-Man: No Way Home, in which a spell performed by Strange goes wrong.