The annual collaboration with Impact FM, ASMSU, UAB and RHA finally presented their grand fromage at the Breslin Center: the Spring concert featuring “Tongue Tied” singers Grouplove and local rockers, Pretoria.
While Impact FM Station Manager George McNeil explored many options with the groups, they knew that Grouplove was the choice for MSU.
“A lot of our committee members had really positive memories associated with Grouplove and we thought it would be really cool to bring them to campus,” McNeil said.
McNeil knew that he had to find the proper sound that would both represent and excited the MSU community, as well as the larger East Lansing area and was excited to find the group he was looking for.
“For fans who maybe heard Tongue Tied a couple years back and haven’t heard from Grouplove since or aren’t as immersed in the scene, I think there’s going to be a lot of exciting, fun, weird music that comes out of this,” McNeil said.