After the Skrull Queen comes back to terrorize Spider-Woman by shapeshifting into the people she has been close with in the past, Marvel Comics confirms that Hawkeye has the most punchable face of all the Avengers, at least as far as Spider-Woman is concerned. Hawkeye and Spider-Woman have a problematic past with both heroes hurting each other in unforgivable ways. When the Skrull Queen Veranke tries to use psychological warfare on Jessica Drew, she reveals exactly why transforming into Clint Barton was a mistake.
In Spider-Woman #19 by Karla Pacheco and Pere Perez, Veranke has become Spider-Woman in an attempt to abduct her son after she was released from Norman Osborn’s containment by the Kingpin. Spider-Woman arrives before Veranke could make off with her boy, and the two engage in brutal combat. During their fight, Veranke turns into a number of the Avengers including Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, and even Jessica’s own son. While the Skrull is trying to mess with Spider-Woman’s head by transforming into people she knows, Veranke only succeeds in making Jessica even more focused and angry.