The first teaser trailer for Rob Zombie’s The Munsters should alleviate fears of accuracy, as the new movie is already capturing the soul of the original show. The Munsters’ teaser trailer reuses the original series’ theme music while giving a new twist to the iconic opening credits. Herman Munsters clumsily stumbles out of 1313 Mockingbird Lane followed by Lily gracefully walking out and Grandpa naively blocking his own way with his shovel. There’s no sign of Marilyn and Eddie so far, but the trailer suggests the Munsters may have just made their way over to America.
The Munsters isn’t Rob Zombie’s first stab at rebooting a classic franchise, but it does serve as a way to redeem the director from his controversial reimaginings of horror projects. Zombie notably rebooted the iconic Halloween franchise in 2005, but his version of the characters and story was met with backlash by critics and audiences alike. As his new reboot of The Munsters takes on the family-friendly, innocently charming gothic Munsters of 1960s sitcom fame, Zombie is proving his ability to pay clear homage to the original content while breaking out of the gory horror genre.